I’m stuck and I can’t get out.

This is my first time playing Skyrim. I have completed all quests involving darkfall cave AND the portal world area you go to. I just want to get back to Skyrim. I can not find a single YouTube video to help me get the hell out of here and google was worthless too. It said to just use the exit in the cave. WHERE THE HELL IS THE EXIT?!?!?!? If I mark a quest, any quest, it keeps telling me to go back to the portal of resolution which I do NOT UNDERSTAND because this does not allow me to go to Skyrim. Help please before I just never play this game again.

This is my first time playing Skyrim. I have completed all quests involving darkfall cave AND the portal world area you go to. I just want to get back to Skyrim. I can not find a single YouTube video to help me get the hell out of here and google was worthless too. It said to just use the exit in the cave. WHERE THE HELL IS THE EXIT?!?!?!? If I mark a quest, any quest, it keeps telling me to go back to the portal of resolution which I do NOT UNDERSTAND because this does not allow me to go to Skyrim. Help please before I just never play this game again.